The Value of Offering Japanese Beauty and Comfort Globally
My deep engagement with Japanese craftsmanship began in 2020 when I founded the MUSUBI KILN brand, specializing in Japanese tableware.
Before this, I had many opportunities to travel and live abroad. During these experiences, I realized that Japanese tableware, with its distinct features, has the potential to enrich dining experiences worldwide. This insight inspired me to create the brand.
MUSUBI KILN has since garnered high praise, particularly in the United States, and has forged strong partnerships with top hotels, restaurants, and notable Japanese cuisine bloggers.
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好きな音楽アーティストや小説家の次回作を楽しみに待つ感覚に似ている。 1人のファンとして作り手を応援し、創作活動を続けてもらいたい。 MIYABIに集まった皆様は、アーティストに共感し、共に応援し、共に楽しむ仲間だと思っている。
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